Running Alongside

Chad's spot for various thoughts, musings, poetry, ideas and whatnot

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Saturday, November 10, 2007
Another Saturday Riding the Pain Train

The attack zone last wwek was low rollers. This week is was a 4 mile long, hard stairstep climb. Once again I spiked the heart rate over 185 a couple of times. What doesn't kill me...

I didn't feel that good going down to Tarmac and when we began our ride south and east of the city I spent the first 10 miles feeling like I might puke. After that things settled down a bit as the route flattened out quite a bit and we got into a rhythm pushing the big ring around. I took a couple of pulls at the front. I probably shouldn't have as I was feeling yucky but I just can't draft other guys all day. I felt like I had some power on the flats which was good but not so much once we got to the hills at mile 35. That's OK, the hill power will come later in the training season.

So, the rest of the day will likely consist of sleep and rest. My wife has a real whopper of a cold and I'm doing everything I can to not get it. Either today's ride will crash my immune system and I'll succumb or it'll burn this thing out. Some rest will help though.

Thanks for Reading.
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